Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Boaters - No Sea Um

At a recent Indian River boating event we had an experience that most boaters prefer they don’t. These things happen to good people. Its sudden and you don’t know its coming. It puts a damper on the day and usually is not cheap.

I was invited on an outing aboard a very nice boat. It promised to be a beautiful sunny day on the Indian River. During the event our boat encountered a “ No Sea Um”.

That’s the object underwater that some boaters encounter while cruising. It usually not marked on a chart, causes damage to the boat, mostly at the props, causes the engine to quit and brings the boat to an abrupt jolting stop.

Our story about the encounter drew a lot of attention at a luncheon the same day. A few people felt for our Captain who was taking it all in good spirits. Some wanted the details so we, 9 total aboard, shared our individual versions of the account with others.

I had written a version of the day, which I will call “The Original Hit”. You can’t find that story any more. It was revised and re-released after extensive editing. I had shared the original story with some of the passengers and our captain and released it to YourHub.

It seems some of the facts may have been incorrect about the impact location. This was further demonstrated to me by a return visit to the scene of the encounter.

I toyed with a few titles while rewriting this story. Poker Run a Hit, Underwater Obstruction, Grounded at Vero Isles, No Sea Umm, After the fact, A Thursday Conclusion, Investigating A Sea Tail and Bad Finger.

Look around on YourHub and you can get the REST of The Story.

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