Sunday, February 15, 2009

TC Palm Reader Snapshot

Reader Photos
Treasure Coast Newspapers has the privilege of displaying - both in print and online - the talents of area photographers as they share their favorite photos. We're unable to publish every submission in our daily papers, but be sure to check out the online photo galleries!

Please limit your submissions to two a day to give everyone an opportunity to share their photos.
Thank you!

Several photo galleries are available:
1) Reader Snapshots (RSNAP) are photos taken of locations, events, people, etc. in our circulation area, which ranges from south Brevard County to north Palm Beach County and west to Okeechobee.

2) Reader Pet Photos (RPETS) are photos taken of area furry, feathered, finned, scaled, etc. companions.

3) Travel Photos (RTRAVEL) are photos area residents have taken on vacation outside the Treasure Coast, whether still in Florida or on the other side of the world.

4) Troop Photos (RTROOP) are photos taken of servicemen and women from the Treasure Coast (or related to those living on the Treasure Coast) on location as they serve their nation.

5) Sports Photos (RSPORTS) are photos focused specifically on sporting events on the Treasure Coast - from youth leagues to professional events.

6) Prep Photos (RPREP) are photos specifically of Treasure Coast high school sporting events.

On occasion, we may seek photos on a specific topic. So share your talents and rise to the challenge!

To get the best possible reproduction, all photos submitted should be:
a) Saved in jpeg format
b) Be at least five inches wide (or 750x1500 pixels)
c) 200 dpi
d) Be sure to include a full description of what is taking place in your photo.
e) Identify - with full names - everyone in your photo.
f) Please use normal sentence structure (not all uppercase), and no abbreviations.

What type of photo are you submitting? *

RPETS=Pet photos

RTRAVEL=photos taken outside of the Treasure Coast

RTROOP=photos of servicemen and women on location

RSPORTS=photos taken of any sporting event

RPREP=photos of high-school sports along the Treasure Coast

Name of photographer: *


City the photo was taken: *
If a travel photo: city, state (or country)
IRC MC SLC Applies to: Reader snapshots; Reader pet photos; Reader sports photos

IRC=south Brevard, Indian River counties
MC=Martin, north Palm Beach counties
SLC=St. Lucie, Okechobee counties

Submit your photo *
Photo caption: *
Email of submitter *
Daytime Phone Number of submitter

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