Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Member Boat Smart Classes

From: Woodkaren2@aol.com
To: Woodkaren2@aol.com
Subject: From: Dan Thomas, VBPS Ed. Off.
Date: Saturday, January 12, 2008 4:33:00 PM

The beginning of the calendar year signals a rebirth of the USPS courses, especially the elective courses. Please think hard about the fun you can have and the knowledge you can gain by participating with your friends in a really inexpensive USPS course.

Jim Crawfis is planning to start a Cruise Planning Course a week from next Wednesday (Jan 23, 2008). Please call him to let him know that you want to join the class. His phone number is 772 770-1255. The cost will be $40.00 for materials. Kathie and I took this course from Jim last year and found it valuable and fun. Ask Jim about his two-year project aboard his sailboat where he cruised the Atlantic to the southern tip of Spain, into the Med., and back again with only a sextant, and a couple radios. Lots of fun and adventure.
Contact Joe Walsh if you want to sign up for the Engine Maintenance Course. This course has just been updated and modernized and Joe is just the man to instruct it. Ask him about all the years he served in the Navy keeping the ships moving with his vast knowledge of diesel engines. His phone number is 772 978-

1626. The cost will be $40.00 for materials. Let him know your schedules so that he can find a suitable time and day to conduct the classes.
David Connolly is ready to begin his course in Basic and Advanced Sail. Basic Sail is all about terminology and learning about sailing and sailboats and Advanced Sail really gets into the fun parts of sailing (going fast when you pick the right tack and take advantage of the winds), what to do in really heavy (ugly weather) sailing, handling emergencies while sailing, etc. The cost will be $40.00 for materials. Call David to let him know your schedules so that he can plan when you will meet. His phone number is 772 564-6858.

Call Bob McCurdy to let him know that you want to take the Weather Course. This great course has recently been updated and vastly improved. I took it last year from Bob and really enjoyed it. The cost will be $50.00 for materials (you get two books plus lots of other valuable stuff) and I guarantee you will have fun and enjoy the class. Call Bob at 772 569-0061

Marine Electronics. You will have to wait a while for this one. John Spilman has his students in the middle of this course at this time. This course has also been updated and is quite comprehensive. Let John know that you want to take it and perhaps we can schedule it again during the year (with John or another instructor). His phone number is 772 567-0408. The cost will be $40.00 for materials.

Now for the regular courses.

The Piloting Class is being planned by John Burnham. Contact John if you want a really updated (electronic navigation, etc.) course that is the backbone of the more advanced piloting classes. John has been teaching this course for numerous years and I always get rave reviews of what his students gained from the course. Please contact him (soon) at 772 770-2855 to let him know your schedule.
Advanced Piloting will be conducted following Piloting and Seamanship will be conducted following the Squadron Boating Class. Stay tuned for future dates and times.

Please act fast and contact the appropriate instructor (or me) to take part in our great course offerings. Let me know if you desire any other course offering (I will be conducting an Instructor Development Class soon).

P/C Dan Thomas, JN

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