Thursday, November 11, 2010

No Fleas Under the Oaks

The first Annual Rotary Club Nautical Flea Market held Saturday (11/6) and Sunday (11/7) was a huge success, according to Dick Carlin, Vendor Chairman.

The Vero Beach Power Squadron (VBPS) supported the Rotary Club by participating in the event and spreading the word about the great boating group they have here in Vero Beach, the boating education program we have established for 2011 and the many benefits you get by being a member. You don’t need to own a boat to be a member. For more about the squadron go to or  

Many vendors set up Friday. That’s what the VBPS did .On Saturday it felt like we were up north and I swear I could see snowflakes forming. In spite of the cool weather there was a huge turnout. Sunday was overcast and cold so there was not as much foot traffic. If you went, you would have seen lots of stuff for sale. New and old nautical things, art, fishing gear, jewelry, tools, line, anchors, brass balls, bells, ships wheels, light fixtures, knives, books, games, glasses, teak furniture, carvings, art, necklaces, bags, shoes, old cars, new cars, motorcycles, cabinets, food, coffee, beer, wine, water, and much more.

One of the VBPS new members had the booth next door. It is Captain Chris Yacht Services and we spent some time getting to know Chris and Alyse Caldwell. They are a new boat service here in Vero, have many years at sea and a 44 ft powerboat, which they use to train others on (

A slow walk around the park was in order to really take it all in, there was so much. I was a volunteer and manned a booth. Occasionally I took a break and walked the grounds. Every time I made the rounds I would find something new that I had missed during my prior walkabouts.

Special thanks to the following VBPS volunteers who put time in at the booth promoting the VBPS at the Rotary Club Nautical Flea Market at Riverside Park – Larry and Judy Lott, Jim and Judy Ward, Janet and Harold Leh, Jan Paul, Barbara Scully, Sheree and Doug Gough, Charlie and Chris Pope, and John Spilman.

The VBPS Optimist Dingy was on display. What’s and Opti Dinghy you ask? It’s a small boat (4 X 8 feet) built here in Vero by various individuals, both young and not so young. If you would like to learn more about the Youth Sailing Foundation (YSF) of Indian River County stop in at the facility located in the Vero Beach Marina boat storage hanger next to the Vero Beach Yacht Club.

The YSF, a non-profit group, is supported by the VBPS members and many other local individuals and businesses. Supporters are interested in teaching the youngsters how to build and sail these vessels in our local waters. The VBPS as well of some of its members have purchased Opti kits and donate them back to the YSF. These marine plywood kits are assembled, sanded, painted, rigged and then sailed in and around Indian River by youngster’s ages 6-16 year old. You may see these fine vessels and the kids in action sailing in around the Vero Beach mooring fields on Saturdays practicing. For more on the YSF go to and

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