VBPS and West Marine Working together to promote Safe Boating Education. The following data is provided to the Vero Beach community. Are you a boater? You may be interested in the Seminar Series Safe Boating Education classes being offered in June. You don’t need to own a boat to take these classes.
Comments from our Education Officer, Past Commander Dan Thomas. To the new boater – “New to Boating? Become a more skilled boater. Learn valuable skills that will help you to become a knowledgeable and safe boater.” To the experienced boater – “Gain additional skills and refresh your knowledge about certain aspects of operating your boat and operating it safely. Boating is even more fun when it is done safely.”
June 2 GPS for Mariners Seminar
June 4 Paddle Smart Seminar for Kayaks and Canoes
This seminar will be augmented by hands-on demonstrations by Indian River Kayak and Canoe on Sunday, June 7 (More to come on that later)
June 9 Using VHF Radio with DSC Seminar
June 11 Boat Handling Under Power Seminar
June 23 Onboard Weather Forecasting Seminar
June 24 How to Read a Nautical Chart Seminar
June 25 Hurricanes and Boats Seminar
All of the Seminars will be $20.00 per person/or family except Hurricanes & Boats will be $15.00 and Paddle Smart will be $25.00. These figures are basically our cost for materials.
VBPS will have substantial help from West Marine for the GPS and VHF Radio Seminars.
For more information please contact Dan Thomas at 772-978-1701