Thursday, June 28, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Title: The word on Safe Boating Week References
The Vero Beach Power Squadron is ready for Safe Boating Week
(May 19 to 25). They have been talking about National Safe Boating week since
Numerous discussions have taken place during the Friday Night
Socials (every Friday night from 5:30 to 7:30), at the Executive Committee
Meetings and at the General Meetings held the 2nd Monday of the month.
A few conversations dealt with walking the Barber Bridge
with PFDs in hand, a FLASH MOB at Riverside Park at High Noon complete with
strolling minstrels, Vessel Safety Checks at the launch ramp next to the
squadron (301 Acacia Road) and a booth at the Ft Pierce Coast Guard Open House.
All this was planned for Saturday May 19, 2012. Some said we
spread our selves too thin and thus one task has been postponed until a future
Some of you may be wondering who we are and what this Safe
Boating Week is all about so I have included a few websites for you to explore.
The VBPS is your local boating education service organization. You may not
believe this but we have been teaching boating education since 1950 in Vero
Get involved this National Safe Boating Week - Participants in cities around the globe will gather to set a world record for the most life jackets worn and inflatable life jackets inflated. The goal is not only to promote the comfortable and versatile options when it comes to life jackets, but also to educate the public about life jackets and safe boating in general. Help raise awareness about boating safety and life jacket use on May 19, 2012. Organize an event in your community to partake in the Ready Set Wear It! Campaign.
Check out for
more information about organizing an event near you and available resources.
cartridges (33 gram and 38 gram) for inflatable lifejackets can be requested
until April 15th after
registering your event online at
Requests will not be accepted after April 15th. You must register an
event before a request can be placed.
- United States Power Squadron (USPS)
- Vero Beach Power Squadron (VBPS)
- National Safe Boating Council (NSBC)
- Boating Education Indian River County
VERO BEACH — The Vero Beach Power Squadron is dedicated to educating our members and the public in all aspects of "Safe Boating."
As such, its education department offers you a wide variety of courses ranging from the basic "Americas Boating Course" up through the advanced grades of Seamanship, Piloting, Advanced Piloting, Junior Navigator and Navigator. There are also a whole host of elective courses and seminars that deal with engines, electronics, sail, weather, boat handling, GPS and so on.
The Vero Beach Power Squadron has taken the position that the three basic courses in boating safety must be taken in the following order - Americas Boating Course, Seamanship, followed by Piloting.
The next "Americas Boating Course" conducted by the Vero Beach Power Squadron is a one day class, which will be conducted on Jan. 21, 2012 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Squadron Building, 301 Acacia Road, Vero Beach.
For more information contact Lt. Howard Daniels at (772) 978-9769 . You may register on any given Friday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. You may arrange to meet him at the Friday Night Socials.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Vero Beach Magazine
The main goal at Vero Beach Magazine, the first and only magazine dedicated exclusively to Vero Beach and Indian River County, is to celebrate all the qualities that make the Vero Beach community beloved by both year-round and seasonal residents. Vero Beach Magazine strives to be a positive force in the community by engaging readers with truthful, quality editorial and photography; generating support fornonprofit organizations ; and promoting local small businesses.
The main goal at Vero Beach Magazine, the first and only magazine dedicated exclusively to Vero Beach and Indian River County, is to celebrate all the qualities that make the Vero Beach community beloved by both year-round and seasonal residents. Vero Beach Magazine strives to be a positive force in the community by engaging readers with truthful, quality editorial and photography; generating support for
IRC Chamber e-newsletter
From: "Penny Chandler"
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 8:20:17 AM
Subject: RE: E newsletter - IRCC

Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 8:20:17 AM
Subject: RE: E newsletter - IRCC
You can send me member news each month. 70 words or less. I need it no later than the 20th for the following month i.e. Dec 20 for Jan news, Jan 20 for Feb news. The item you already send will be in the Jan newsletter. Thanks!
Penny Chandler, President
Indian River County Chamber of Commerce
772-567-3491 ext 120
From: []
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 7:54 AM
To: Chamber of Commerce
Cc: Susan Brown Hamel; Alan Epstein; Howard Daniels
Subject: E newsletter - IRCC
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 7:54 AM
To: Chamber of Commerce
Cc: Susan Brown Hamel; Alan Epstein; Howard Daniels
Subject: E newsletter - IRCC
Thank you for the recent IRC Chamber e-newsletter. I would like to add our boating classes offered to the general public to that document as soon as we establish the classes scheduled for the year. Let me know the procedure.
Thank you,
Robert Scully
Public Relations Officer
Vero beach Power Squadron
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
ABC- ONE DAY in January
- The Vero Beach Power Squadron (VBPS), a boating group, is offering Americas Boating Course in one day for $35.
- Date - January 21, 2012 at 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- Classes are held at 301 Acacia Road in Vero Beach, which is on the northeast side of the Merrill Barber Bridge
- Howard Daniels (772)978-9769 or
- More on classes
- More on the VBPS
Saturday, November 12, 2011
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